If you are a member of the AvayaAlumni message group which is run on the Yahoo system you have been told that group will be shutdown on 8/31/2020
The administrator of that group is encouraging people to join this forum. Many of the folks were already members of both.
If you are not a member of this forum and want to be then YOU must register on this forum. I cannot do it for you.
To register go to https://www.AvayaRetirees.org/ucp.php?mode=register
The CEO who was in charge when Avaya went bankrupt was Kennedy. You will need to know that when you register.
If you are already a member of this forum but your account is no longer active then post a message via the AvayaAlumni YahooGroups email (avayaalumni@yahoogroups.com) asking me to reactivate the account. Be sure and include your username. Only do this if your account has been deactivated. Telling me to reactivate an account that is still active is wasting a lot of my time. If you do not include your username I will ignore it. I am getting bombarded by people saying "reactivate my account" and they don't provide the username.
If you want to make sure you get all emails from AvayaRetirees.org be sure and add AvayaRetirees.org to your whitelist and also add Administrator@AvayaRetirees.org
Instructions on how to do this are at https://clean.email/how-to-whitelist-an-email If your email service/client is not covered there then use google or read the help files with your service or client.
If you don’t do this and the system bounces your email because it thinks it is spam the AvayaRetirees server will deactivate your account.