Earlier this month Cisco announced earnings.
They beat estimates and gave upbeat forecasts for the future. The stock climbed 9% the following day.
Aren't Avaya's and Cisco's customers pretty much the same?
Cisco has had revenue growth in the last 9 quarters and net income growth at a higher percentage that its revenue growth.
Hard to reconcile this with Kennedy's comments about customer spending being stalled because of his list of excuses....the sequester, the lack of job growth etc, etc, etc....
Some people talk about it and some people get it done.
Wasn't the last two SEP packages aimed at getting the older (and higher paid) and more experienced employees off the roles?
Perhaps they should retarget the SEP packages to the really high paid people.
Just a thought.
Go to http://money.cnn.com/2013/05/15/technology/enterprise/cisco-earnings/index.html to read more.